Information security analytics

Security Breach costs NASA 7M dollars
Between 2009 and 2001, NASA employees lost around 50 laptops which contained unencrypted information. In order to eliminate such incidents, as well as any external attacks, NASA has spent no less than $7M.
350K Victims of Leak Without Compensation
The Supreme Court of Oregon has once again dismissed a claim for the victims of the 2006 information leak.
Inattentive Employees Spoil Company's Image
14,000 Irish companies admit that there were sanctioned cases of compromising confidential information within their organizations. DataSolutions published an account of incidents that resulted in a company losing control of sensitive information. Representatives of 14,000 companies took part in a survey, out of which more than 200 were IT directors.
American expert charged with fraud, conspiracy
NEW YORK, Feb 17 (Reuters) - An outspoken research analyst who made waves by refusing to cooperate in the U.S. government's broad insider-trading probe was charged with illegally supplying hedge funds with tips as part of his consulting service.
Loss of data in Texas costs taxpayers 2 million dollars
Almost two million dollars has been spent on mitigation following a major loss of data in Texas. Owing to the well-organized work done with victims of the data loss, officials at the state tax department have succeeded in saving almost $20 million of taxpayers' money.
Laptops with customer data stolen from eircom
THE personal details of more than 7,000 mobile phone customers and employees were contained on three stolen laptops, eircom has confirmed. The phone company revealed bank account or credit card details of 550 eMobile and Meteor customers is also at risk following the security breach. The Data Protection Commissioner is investigating.
A laptop and 50K records to boot
A laptop containing thousands of Halton students’ names, numbers and birthdates — even their standardized test scores — has been stolen, prompting the board to warn all parents of a possible privacy breach. “While we don’t believe data contained on the laptop to be damaging or harmful to student safety, we wanted to alert you of the issue,” education director David Euale said in an email sent last Friday, adding the laptop was stolen from an employee between Jan. 23 and 27.
Nurse fired for unauthorized patient record access
A privacy breach by a “curious” nurse at Titus Regional Medial Center has resulted in letters to 108 former patients warning of a slight risk of identity theft. Hospital Administrator Ron Davis relayed Tuesday that internal auditing procedures uncovered the misconduct. “The nurse said she was just ‘curious’ and looked at records she was not authorized to view,” Davis said. “She has sworn that she did not do anything with that information.”
Cattles Group loses data of 1.4m customers
More than a million customers have had their personal details “lost” after a data mix-up at a loan firm’s Birstall headquarters. The Cattles Group, which owns Welcome Finance loans firm, has written to customers informing them that two back-up storage discs with private information about 1.4 million customers have been misplaced. Marlene Proctor, 31, from Wibsey, was one of the customers who received a letter saying the firm cannot account for her personal details, including bank details, national insurance number, date of birth and address.
Scotland Yard employee jeopardizes future of Olympics
United Kingdom. Secret documents belonging to the British police were found on a municipal train, in which details of the security operation for the coming Olympics was described in detail. The police tried to dampen the hype, having announced that these materials do not place the work of security services under threat.
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