About Company

Company history

InfoWatch has been active in the information security business since 2003. We lead DLP market in Russia and the CIS and offer technological solutions for enterprise protection against internal and external security threats. InfoWatch focuses on technology leadership and best practices for infrastructure software solutions.

The company employs over 400+ specialists and experts in the development, implementation, and promotion of proprietary products and technologies. Company has implemented over 3,500 projects in the field of confidential data protection.

We know everything about modern threat models and ways to protect sensitive data in organizations taking into account rapidly changing business processes.

InfoWatch develops technologies and products to reduce information security risks, protect and analyze corporate data

Some facts about InfoWatch
successful projects in 20 industries
patents in advanced analytics and corporate data protection
countries of presence including Russia, CIS, Middle East, APAC
A full-cycle office opened in Dubai in 2017 to provide personalized qualified support to partners and customers
Natalia Kaspersky
President of the InfoWatch group of companies, co-founder of Kaspersky Lab

Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM) with a degree in Applied Mathematics.

Co-founder of Kaspersky Lab, led the company for 10 years as a CEO. During this time, Kaspersky Lab has gone from an unknown startup to one of the leaders in the international IT market.

In 2007, Natalia Kasperskaya became the head of InfoWatch, which develops innovative solutions to protect corporations from internal and external threats.

Natalia Kasperskaya is:

  • head of the working group in the track of "Information Security" within the framework of the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation"
  • сhairman of the Board of the Association of Software Developers (ARPP) "Domestic Soft"
  • member of the Expert Council on Russian Software under the Ministry of Digital Development Telecommunications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.

Natalya Kasperskaya was awarded the medals for the Order of Merit for the Fatherland (2nd degree) and of FSTEC of Russia for strengthening the state information security system. She is the winner of the Women in Technology competition in the Middle East in the Best Technology Business Entrepreneur category as well as other international competitions.

Сompany success
Contact us:
Sales department: IW-Global@infowatch.com
General inquires: info@infowatch.com
Technical support: support@infowatch.com
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