Information security analytics

AccuWeather updates its iOS app to address privacy outcry
Responding to privacy concerns, AccuWeather is out with a new version of its iOS app that removes a controversial data sharing behavior. Earlier this week, security researcher Will Strafach called attention to the practice in a Medium post and users took to Twitter to announce their intention to dump the app in droves, The TechCrunch ( writes.
Hackers leak doping test failures of 200 football players
Russian hacking group Fancy Bears have stunned football by this morning leaking details of 200 players who have failed doping tests, Sunday Express ( reports. These include NINE players who have undergone tests which they failed in London - four of whom tested positive for cocaine.
1.8 million Chicago voter records exposed online
A voting machine company exposed 1.8 million Chicago voter records after misconfiguring a security setting on the server that stored them, CNN ( reports. Election Systems & Software (ES&S), the Nebraska-based voting software and election management company, confirmed the leak on Thursday.
FTC: Uber Failed To Protect 100K Drivers In 2014 Hack
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has ordered Uber to up its security game after finding the company lacking in numerous areas.
Voter data found on eBay-purchased poll machine
When 650 thousand Tennesseans voted in the Memphis area, they probably didn’t expect their personal information would eventually be picked apart at a hacker conference at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, ( writes.
HBO hack reveals Game of Thrones stars' personal info
A ransom demand includes lots of leaked internal data, ( reports.
Customer data for 14 million Verizon customers exposed in breach
The security vulnerability comes just one month after the company officially acquired Yahoo, which suffered the world’s largest hacks in 2014 and 2016, reports. One month almost to the day after it acquired Yahoo, Verizon has suffered a major breach that exposed data belonging to an estimated 14 million customers who called Verizon’s customer service department in the last six months.
ION Orchard fined 15K dollars over customer data breach
The company that manages ION Orchard was on Thursday (Jul 6) fined S$15,000 by the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) over a breach involving the personal data of its customers, writes In the incident, which took place on Dec 26, 2015, an unknown perpetrator used valid admin account credentials to log in to a server that held personal customer data.
Former NSW Labor boss fined 4K dollars for data breach
A former New South Wales Labor boss who intended to hand misused electoral roll information to a union official has been fined $4,000, after a magistrate was asked to take his “very, very” large mortgage into account, The Guardian reports.
GOP marketing firm exposes data of 200M voters
Data firm once contracted by the Republican National Committee exposed birth dates, emails, physical addresses, religion, race, and political leanings for more than half the U.S. population, writes A marketing firm once contracted by the Republican National Committee exposed personal data including birth dates, emails, physical addresses, religion, race, and political leanings for more than half the U.S. population.
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