Bahrain Ahead of the GCC with adopting IT solutions

Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, 16 January 2013 – During 2012 Bahrain witnessed a rapid growth in the number of companies adopting data loss prevention (DLP) measures with 15 solutions implemented across a number of leading companies in both public and private sectors, according to InfoWatch, a global IT solutions company.

Data loss prevention measures were implemented across the banking and oil and gas sectors predominantly, which collectively saw a rise of approximately 80 per cent.

According to InfoWatch, confidential data protection and overall information security has become ever more important in the region with an estimated 50 % of companies without data security systems set in place. Without adequate solutions in place, the risk of data loss continues to grow in line with data volumes are growing exponentially and IT infrastructure is going more diverse.

Alexander Zarovsky, Director of International Sales & Business Development at InfoWatch, said: “Both public and private industries in Bahrain are ahead of the curve when it comes to adopting effective data loss prevention solutions. Bahrain has shown impressive progress in the implementation of IT solutions compared to other markets in GCC, especially in the private sector which seems to follow the steps of successful global IT solutions applied in the West”.

Already using InfoWatch data loss prevention packages, First Energy Bank of Bahrain required an industry-proven solution to safeguard its confidential information from leakage and improper distribution.  Ali Al Saegh, IT Security Manager at First Energy Bank, commented: “We are delighted to be one of the early adopters of the latest DLP solutions and already we are beginning to see strong business benefits. We look forward to seeing Bahrain strengthen its position, regionally, as a leader in the technology security field.

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