InfoWatch Global Data Leakage Report 2011

InfoWatch brings you the latest in statistics and analysis covering information leaks. It includes analysis of most sporadic and systematic leaks, a review of known vulnerabilities, and highlights of leak sources.

The study is based on InfoWatch's own database which has been maintained by InfoWatch's Analytical Labs since 2004. Incidents depicted within the InfoWatch leak database had occurred at organizations mostly due to deliberate and careless employee action and were subsequently published in mass media or other publicly available sources, such as web forums and blogs. Specifically, this means that the study only covers a small (not more than 1%) fraction of the actual leaks that had occurred in the world. Nonetheless, this data is considered to be symbolic and allows us to judge the situation in this area as a whole.

Download Global Data Leakage Report 2011

General statistics

In 2011 InfoWatch Analytical Labs recorded 801 incidents relating to confidential information leaks. That is around 1% more than in the previous year. That is the number of leaks occurred at organizations mostly due to deliberate and careless employee action, that were subsequently published in mass media or other publicly available sources, such as web forums and blogs.

In 2011, the average number of leaks per month was around 70 and the average number of leaks per day was more than 2.

The slight change in the number of leaks in comparison with the previous year can be explained by a number of factors:

Lack of detailed information provided on the leaks by companies as they have a negative impact on their reputation; A slight decrease in interest in the subject from the media; Integration of DLP systems which provide extremely effective protection from accidental leaks.

In 2011, companies spent more than 500 million dollars on neutralising the consequences of leaks.

Inadvertent and Intentional Leaks

The balance of intentional and inadvertent leaks does not significantly differ from last year.

Accidental and intentional leak distribution, 2011

The forecast we made two years ago anticipating to observe a decreasing volume of accidental leaks had become obvious, although demonstrating only a slight decrease. As a result of integration of defence measures, accidental leaks should eventually reduce as the measures and methods on the market are more effective in fighting accidental leaks than intentional leaks.

Leak Channels and Technologies

A leak channel is a characteristic which has a direct practical application. Depending on the frequency of leaks through various channels (various technologies); it may be possible to plan the integration of defence measures, as well as to define priorities; which channels must be dealt with first and foremost.

Distribution of leaks by channel

Let's consider the change in the proportion of leak channels "laptops, smart phones" together with "removable media". In 2010, a small rise in the number of leaks through this channel was witnessed, which had totalled to 20%. And in 2009 and 2011 it was slightly less and was 19.2% and 15.8% respectively.

Executive Summary

The provisional analysis of trends shows that this year may become the beginning of a new era characterised by stability in the number of published leaks.

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