VISA Europe has informed of a compromise of its client base

The analytical centre of Infowatch is informing of a compromise of the European database of VISA holders. The Romanian bank CEC has already blocked 17,000 VISA cards.

On the 14th December, the Association of Romanian banks started to receive information from banks that transaction data of VISA cardholders may have fallen into the hands of fraudsters. This information was later confirmed by Catalin Cretu, general director of VISA Europe (Romania). According to him, it has not yet been possible to ascertain the identity of the perpetrator, who received access to the database. VISA security management actively cooperates with banks for the protection of clients from possible fraudulent operations on their cards. Catalin Cretu has promised that all loses caused by the perpetrators will be compensated.

Romanian banks CEC has already taken measures, having blocked 17,000 VISA cards. According to Romania Insider, the bank’s management announced all the cards will be replaced with new numbers and PIN numbers. So far, this is the only Romanian bank to admit the fact of compromise of payment information of VISA cardholders.


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