Starbucks leak: not a coffee, but data on 97K employees

Starbucks Corp. confirmed Monday that a laptop containing private information on 97,000 employees was stolen Oct. 29. The information included names, addresses and Social Security numbers, according to an undated memo addressed to affected employees.

"We are writing to inform you of a recent incident that may have involved a breach of your private information," said the memo, which was posted at and was verified as authentic by Starbucks spokeswoman Deb Trevino on Monday.

Although Starbucks’ representatives have no evidence of data being misused, the corporation offered free credit monitoring. This isn't the first time a Starbucks laptop has gone missing. In November 2006, the company said it was unable to find four out-of-use laptops at its headquarters, contaning overall data on 60 thousand former and present employees.


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