Security Breach at KRM Management Puts 5700 Employees at Risk

Fresno, CA, USA (KFSN) -- Fresno police say everything from electronics to personal items was taken from a northwest Fresno office. Including a computer with confidential information on more than five thousand city employees ... Like social security numbers.

The Fresno police department is working to catch the people who broke into this business and stole two dozen computers, on one of those hard drives ... Social security numbers, birthdates and addresses of thousands of employees. Investigators believe the suspects set fire to the business minutes after the break in to try to cover up the crime. One missing laptop computer is causing the most concern. It contained sensitive and confidential information on close to 5700 city employees who filed worker's comp claims dating back to 1973. Hundreds are or were police officers. Dyer said, "Fortunately, the computer is password protected. That's not to say that it cannot be breached. But we are conducting a very extensive investigation with our financial crimes unit as well as our burglary detectives. We do have some leads, we do have some physical evidence." Investigators have not ruled out the possibility the crime was an inside job.


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