Rapists Demand Cash Over Lost Data Stick

THIRTEEN prisoners, including two serial rapists, are to claim compensation of up to £30,000 each over a computer memory stick lost by a firm working for the Home Office.

The men, who have a sickening tally of offences, say the loss of the data stick containing personal details is a breach of their human rights.

Among the claimants is Patrick Simms, 44, who was jailed for life in 2000 after he imprisoned a Japanese student and used her as a sex slave.

He is bringing a joint case with convicted rapist Donovan White, also 44, who received five life sentences a year later for kidnapping young women over a 24-hour period. If their claims, which have yet to come to court, are successful the taxpayer could be left with a bill for almost £370,000.

They were sparked after an employee of PA Consulting, a firm contracted by the Home Office, left the stick in an unlocked drawer at its Victoria, London, offices last August.

On it were the home addresses of some of Britain’s most hardened criminals – including those who have committed violent and sexual crimes. It also included details of every one of England and WalesРІР‚в„ў 84,000 prisoners.

The stick has never been found, but a subsequent safety assessment carried out by the Association of Chief Police Officers and the Ministry of Justice said the risk to those whose data was lost was “low”.

However, a Freedom of Information request revealed that at least one prisoner is demanding up to £30,000.

The prisoners claim the loss of personal data is a breach of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, and a breach of the 1998 Data Protection Act.

The first case is due to come before the court later this month, when lawyers for the Home Office are expected to apply to have it dismissed. But if it is successful, it could spark hundreds or even thousands of similar claims.

Matthew Elliott, chief executive at the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “If these legal actions end up costing the taxpayer a penny, it should be reimbursed by PA Consulting.”

The Home Office said it could not comment on on-going cases.

Although PA ConsultingРІР‚в„ўs £1.5million contract was terminated, it continues to be paid vast sums for other government projects. The most sensitive of these is the introduction of ID cards and biometric passports.

At the time, PA Consulting apologised for the loss of data.

In its first public statement on the incident, the firm said: “The loss of data was caused by human failure.”

Shadow Justice Secretary Dominic Grieve said: “It beggars belief that ministers paid the same firm millions to run its flawed ID card scheme. When will they learn?”

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