Panasonic put a 1M dollars price tag on an insider’s photo

Panasonic is suing a model for over $1 million for leaking information about a new camera model being prepared for release.

A new Lumix camera model’s entry into the market was supposed to evoke a splash of interest from consumers. At least that is what the manufacturers supposed. But a Hong-Kong based model and actress spoiled Panasonic’s business plans by posting an image of the camera online using Instagram. The leak piqued the interest of potential company clients and by the time the official release date came around, the audience knew everything about the novelty, including all of its “minuses,” which had a negative effect on sales.

The company had a contract with the model, who was supposed to become the “face of Lumix.” But after this incident, Panasonic broke the contract and filed a lawsuit against the model. If the suit wins, the plaintiff can receive over $1 million.

Comment by Senior Analyst at InfoWatch Nikolai Fedotov: «In Russia, for example, in the production sense it is very difficult to declare a product’s outer appearance and visual characteristics a commercial secret. And without having formal status as a commercial secret, without the appropriate classification, one cannot be punished for this kind of leak».

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