MINDEF breach: Stolen data from servicemen and employees

A breach in an Internet-connected system at the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) earlier this month has resulted in the personal data of 850 national servicemen and employees being stolen, said www.channelnewsasia.com.

No classified military data was stolen in the breach of the I-net system, MINDEF said. Classified military information is stored on a separate system that is not connected to the Internet and has more stringent security features, it added.

The I-net system is used by national servicemen and MINDEF employees to access the Internet via dedicated terminals in ministry premises and Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) camps.

The stolen personal data includes NRIC numbers, telephone numbers and dates of birth - information which was stored on the system for account management, such as to track usage and surfing behavior. No passwords were lost, the ministry said.

The affected server was disconnected after the breach was discovered, with immediate and detailed forensic investigations conducted on the entire I-net system to determine the extent of the attack, MINDEF said. The attacks were targeted and well-planned, it added.

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