HSBC Heist Includes Data on 130K Clients Worldwide

Dec. 13 (Bloomberg) -- The data stolen from HSBC Holdings Plc’s private bank in Geneva includes information on 130,000 clients from around the world, Le Journal du Dimanche reported, citing Eric de Montgolfier, chief prosecutor in Nice, France.

A former employee at the Swiss bank leaked the information to de Montgolfier, who is probing possible money laundering, the newspaper reported, without identifying the worker. The Finance Ministry in Paris also received some of the data that was stolen and is using it to investigate the 3,000 or so French taxpayers on the list, JDD said.

Citizens of Colombia, Italy and “many other countries” are among the 130,000 clients whose data was stolen, according to the newspaper.

To contact the reporter on this story: Helene Fouquet in Paris at


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