Home Depot programmer sentenced for credit card theft

A Round Rock man is going to federal prison for stealing credit card information from customers at Home Depot, kxan.com reports. Prosecutors say Daniel Marquardt worked in the IT department for The Home Depot in Austin.

Investigators say he stole credit card info from more than 36,000 customers, then tried to sell it online for 60 cents each. Marquardt reportedly wrote a computer program in May 2014 for The Home Depot to help with the company’s tool rental system. Upon doing so, investigators say he was able to gain access to credit card information. He then saved the numbers on a thumb drive and sold them online, according to a criminal complaint.

Marquardt said the code provided him “real time customer credit card info” and he realized the he could make money selling the info, the document said. Marquardt was sentenced Friday to 18 months in prison.

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