Florida patients warned of data leak

A Florida Digestive Health Specialists LLP employee is under investigation after reportedly photographing patients' protected health information without permission.

The privacy officer within the group- which has offices all throughout southwest Florida- has said details including names, birth dates, social security numbers and telephone numbers were breached. The group has since notified and warned 4,400 patients.

The employee was reportedly fired once the data leak was discovered. It was brought to light after the former employee went to develop photos of the patient files at a local Walmart. A manager there reportedly found the pictures to be suspicious, and alerted the Manatee County Sheriff's Office.

A widespread investigation is now underway at the group' 18 offices between Largo and Port Charlotte. Representatives and employees are working alongside law enforcement and the IRS to identify any others involved in the breach. In the meantime, the group has said they are taking measures to tighten security measures.

According to the Manatee County Sheriff's Office, investigators have not yet linked any identity theft cases to the breach at Florida Digestive Health. As the investigation continues however, the doctors group warns its patients to keep an eye on their credit reports to ensure no fraudulent accounts have been opened in their name.


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