Fear is the Main Cause of Latency in IT Crimes

The last survey proved that IT bosses are fearful of losing their jobs in the event of any security incident:

30% believe that the fastest route to become unemployed is an internet security breach; 26% think that the loss of intellectual property in consequence of a security breach will result in their dismissal; 22% suppose that they will be jobless if pirate materials on the network (for example, MP3 files or illegal software) are revealed; 21% guess that the bad press following a security breach would be the catalyst for imminent unemployment.

The press really likes to describe all details of security incidents especially if they have happened in a financial organization or the pornography materials are involved. Therefore many bosses still are burying their heads in the sand.

21% said they find their security remit more stressful than events such as moving house, getting married or getting divorced. Furthermore the recent pan-European survey shows that Italian IT bosses find work the most stressful. This may be due to the fact Italian data protection laws mean prison sentences for anybody found to be in breach of their obligation to be compliant. It doesn't even require a breach – simple non-compliance can lead to a stay in the big house.

The additional materials on latency in IT crimes can be found here.

Source: Silicon.com
l.12-.057c.834-.407 1.663-.812 2.53-1.211a42.414 42.414 0 0 1 3.345-1.374c2.478-.867 5.078-1.427 7.788-1.427 2.715 0 5.318.56 7.786 1.427z" transform="translate(-128 -243)"/>