Ex-Gucci admin accused of 200K dollars IT rampage

A network engineer fired by fashion house Gucci has been charged with going on an IT rampage against his former employer in which he deleted data, shut down servers and left the company nursing an estimated $200,000 cleanup bill.

According to the New York District Attorney's office indictment, 34-year-old Sam Chihlung Yin created a fake VPN token in the name of a non-existent employee which he tricked Gucci IT staff into activating after he was fired in May 2010.

The VPN gave him direct access into the heart of Gucci's IT network for a period of months, which when combined with his inside knowledge and admin passwords gave him the power to cause mayhem.

What allegedly followed was the tech equivalent of a full-scale frontal attack.

At its worst, Gucci US is said to have lost access to email and stored documents for 24 hours, an incident in which he also permanently destroyed some files. On Nov. 12, he also shut down virtual servers, a storage area network (SAN), and deleted a number of corporate email inboxes.

Store managers and other staff across the U.S. were unable to access email resulting, the company claims, in thousands of dollars of lost sales.

"Computer hacking is not a game. It is a serious threat to corporate security that can have a devastating effect on personal privacy, jobs, and the ability of a business to function at all," said New York District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. "This Office's Cybercrime and Identity Theft Bureau is committed to preventing and prosecuting crimes such as the one charged in today's indictment."

Cases of rogue IT staff accused of wrongdoing are far from unknown although it is only recently that they have started coming to court with any regularity. Previously, police lacked the specialists to investigate crimes, legislation was sometimes lacking and companies preferred to duck negative publicity and the embarrassing implication that staff might be motivated to go bad.

That has now changed. IT staff who attack their employers or former employers are seen as being white collar criminals like any other.

The consequences of the actions Sam Chihlung Yin is accused of could be severe. If found guilty, the Class C felony alone could land him with a prison sentence of up to 15 years.


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