Employees sue UPMC over security breach

Two UPMC McKeesport Hospital employees have sued their employer, claiming the hospital and corporate parent failed to protect the personal security information of its workers.

Employees Barbara Dittman and Gary Douglas claimed their financial and W2 data were hacked by unknown fraudsters, who opened bank accounts in their names and filed phony income tax returns, according to the lawsuit filed Thursday in the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas. The lawsuit asked for class-action status, representing more than 50 UPMC employees who had similar experiences.

The lawsuit was filed two days after UPMC received an award for its patient privacy measures by an Orem, Utah-based company. Clearwater, Fla.-based FairWarning Inc., which provides patient information security services to health care systems, named UPMC Visionary of the Year as part of the 2014 Privacy Excellence Awards.

Pittsburg business times

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