Confidential medical data found abandoned on campus

Names, addresses and sensitive information discovered in unlocked filing cabinet at University of Bedfordshire

The University of Bedfordshire has launched a review after confidential medical data from teenage research participants was found abandoned in an unlocked filing cabinet. Folders containing adolescents’ names, addresses, stages of puberty and other details were discovered during a clear-out of offices at Bedfordshire’s Luton campus in July, according to a source at the university.

Details of about 50 research participants had been left unsecured in a public office for more than two years following a research project in 2012, the source said. The files contained participants’ doctor’s details, as well as information about their percentage of body fat and diet.

No such power exists over universities, but the ICO can investigate those believed to be in breach of the Data Protection Act, and can fine institutions up to £500,000 for serious violations.

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