Clayton deputies' personal information and files compromised

Clayton County Sheriff Kem Kimbrough is investigating a security breach after some deputies’ personal information was taken from internal files.The records include Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, dates of birth, phone numbers, employee identification numbers and an inmate’s medical information. Some internal investigation files have also turned up missing.

Kimbrough said he suspects a sheriff’s department employee illegally entered the Office of Professional Standards, copied the deputies’ internal records and distributed the information. Some other documents were taken from the office. The investigation could result in criminal charges.

“These internal files were obtained illegally,” Kimbrough said. “It’s against department policy for employees to copy internal affairs files, and it is a violation of Georgia law to compromise personal information.”

The information, which was included in several internal investigations, was anonymously sent to the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Council, which certifies all law enforcement officers in the state, and to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The new sheriff said he has since changed the locks throughout the sheriff’s complex.

In addition to finding the records missing, Kimbrough also has discovered weapons, keys and other equipment missing since taking office on Jan. 1. Deputies from Henry County and other area sheriff’s departments are working with Kimbrough’s team to review all personnel files to make sure there are no other problems.

Kimbrough did not know how long the investigation would take to complete. It comes as the new sheriff is conducting a personnel audit.

On his first day, Kimbrough fired 14 probationary deputies. The fired employees all had criminal records, were not certified or had disciplinary problems, he said.

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