Analysts warn: BYOD is coming

Analysts at Juniper Research assert that loss and theft of mobile devices is the most dangerous threat to businesses today. According to results of the agency’s research, the mobile safety market in the corporate segment will spring up faster than in the personal use sector.  

Juniper Research analysts think that the mobile safety market today is at the initial stage of development. According to the results of their research, only 5% of all mobile devices today are protected by special software. This is true for both devices used for business purposes and for personal use.

Over the next 5 years owners of various mobile devices will have to think about the need to protect their personal device. It is estimated that by the year 2017 about 20% of all devices will already be protected by special software.

When speaking of corporate safety, Juniper Research analysts expect a rise in the number of different gadgets used by businesses. Under the influence of the BYOD trend, there will be about 350 million devices registered in corporate networks by 2017. Interestingly, the mobile devices safety market on the corporate level will develop faster than on the users level. Analysts expect to see indicative results by as early as 2015.

Comment by Senior Analyst at InfoWatch Nikolai Fedotov: «I would like to add that the average cost of information stored on the average mobile device hasn’t been assessed yet. According to experts’ estimations, it is not very high and is, in fact, several times smaller than the average cost of the device (even considering the thief’s discount). There are separate cases where information costs tens or hundreds of times more than the technology, but these cases are rare. Therefore, the illegal business of reselling stolen and lost gadgets still aims to profit from the apparatus, despite checking the presence of valuable information».


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