500 pounds sterling fine for PCSO who accessed data

A FORMER Colchester PCSO has been fined for accessing the information of 148 people “out of personal curiosity” while working for Essex Police. Arrie Bygrave, 23, of Peppercorn Close, Colchester, admitted breaching the Data Protection Act by checking 1,684 records for his own purposes.

He was ordered to pay £500 when he appeared at Ipswich Magistrates’ Court yesterday. He admitted going through 1,684 records containing the data of 148 people, which were not for policing purposes. During that time, he made 435 official checks as part of police work.

Unemployed Bygrave was fined £400 and £100 costs. He agreed to pay the fine at £5 a week starting on May 28.

Daily Gazette

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