20K Swedish employees personal data breached

Swedish Medical Center is alerting nearly 20,000 current and former employees that their personal information, including Social Security numbers, was accidentally accessible on the Internet for nine weeks. Swedish Medical Center is alerting nearly 20,000 current and former employees that their personal information, including Social Security numbers, was accidentally accessible on the Internet for nine weeks. There is no evidence any of the information has been used for identity theft or other illicit purposes, Swedish said Wednesday. Joanne Suffis, vice president of Human Resources, said the incident was highly unusual. Swedish is providing affected people with free access to an identity-theft service. The employees worked for Swedish Medical Center in 1994, 1995, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006. Some are still employed at Swedish. The breach occurred in April, when a Swedish employee working at home made changes to his home network that accidentally allowed others to access information on his computer through an Internet search. Swedish policy prohibits keeping confidential information on home computers. Suffis said Swedish will be doing additional staff education and beefing up technical security. Source Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /var/www/test.infowatch.com/www/modules/field/field.multilingual.inc on line 275

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