15GB data dump of user data is now open to see

On Thursday, crowdfunding artist patron and support service Patreon informed customers that a data breach had taken place, Zdnet.com reports.

Patreon CEO and co-founder Jack Conte said a Patreon database containing user information had been compromised, leading to unauthorized access to data including registered names, email addresses, posts, and some shipping addresses in addition to a number of billing addresses stored prior to 2014. Conte emphasized that no full credit card numbers were stored on the firm's servers, and no credit card numbers were compromised.

Data stolen from Patreon has been dumped on various bin websites across the web. Microsoft security professional Troy Hunt has been digging through the data which appears legitimate - with some users confirming to ZDNet their information is within -- but due to the 15GB size of the data dump, a full analysis will take some time.

A total of 2.3 million unique email addresses have been discovered so far within the data dump. Unfortunately for Patreon users, this leaked data could be used in identity theft.

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