InfoWatch Activity Monitor
continuous monitoring of staff’s activity Digital landscape of a working day for incident investigations and risk groups management Request demo
InfoWatch Activity Monitor Benefits
Early incident prevention & evidentiary base accumulation

Any incident can be investigated promptly, hot on the trail, through situation reports and opportunities provided by online surveillance.

Optimization of the company’s expenses

Cutting the company’s costs by saving on incompetent and dishonest employees. In addition, the system discloses the inefficient use of the company’s resources by employees, and helps eliminating the inappropriate expenses on infrastructure and software.

Management of productivity and working activity of the personnel

The complete picture of the working day of the entire company, departments and its specific employees. Monitoring of efficiency of the use of working time, identification of reserves for the growth of employees’ productivity.

Substantiation of management decisions

Select any section of data, create reports, and make decisions

Real-time monitoring

A web console with situation reports and statements is accessible from any place in the world

100% data control

InfoWatch solutions share no data with third parties. InfoWatch Activity Monitor is based on inner infrastructure of organization and provides flexible access management for security service personnel

InfoWatch Activity Monitor Features
InfoWatch Activity Monitor enrich Traffic Monitor DLP data by information of the staff’s working activity
  • Prove guilt in information security incident, malicious intent or innocence
  • Detect prohibited applications or web-services usage
  • Monitor actions of persons from risk groups
  • Disclose the inefficient use of the company’s resources by employees
  • Preventative online monitoring of regular persons
Request a Demo
InfoWatch Activity Monitor enrich Traffic Monitor DLP data by information of the staff’s working activity 2
  • Prove guilt in information security incident, malicious intent or innocence
  • Detect prohibited applications or web-services usage
  • Monitor actions of persons from risk groups
  • Disclose the inefficient use of the company’s resources by employees
  • Preventative online monitoring of regular persons
Request a Demo
What data does InfoWatch Activity Monitor collect from workstation?
Registers login and logout
Intercepts entered text
Monitors search queries on various search engines
Monitors web-sites visited
Monitors applications used
Identifies operations with files and folders – create, copy, delete, edit, transfer
Categorizes activity on working / unworking / other custom categories
Saves screenshots on trigger events or annually
Provides opportunities of online-monitoring
InfoWatch Activity Monitor Use Cases
Request Demo

What to expect from online demo

The demo host will show how the products work, cover the most important settings, and tell you more about practical advantages of the solutions.

You will have an opportunity to ask any questions to InfoWatch technical experts.

To take part in the demo, you will need Internet access, headset and microphone (if you want to ask questions).

By clicking the button, you agree to the terms of processing personal data
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