InfoWatch launches new product line

Three new products – InfoWatch Traffic Monitor, InfoWatch Net Monitor and InfoWatch Enterprise Solution – are ready to protect companies from insiders.

InfoWatch, a leading provider of data confidentiality/integrity and regulatory compliance solutions, introduces a new product line that reflects a more focused approach to the growing threat that insiders pose to corporate financial data, intellectual property and personal information.

Precisely configured products addressing the problem of internal IT security have now emerged to take the place of the numerous modules previously used for controlling leakage channels and the corruption and destruction of confidential information. The starting point of the new product line was an analysis of customer demands based on the several years of experience InfoWatch has of combating insiders. As a result, the market sees the launch of three new products: InfoWatch Traffic MonitorInfoWatch Net Monitor and InfoWatch Enterprise Solution.

InfoWatch Traffic Monitor is a specialized solution that ensures control and audit functions over the external communications of an organization: e-mail and web traffic (web mail, forums, instant messengers, P2P networks and other online services). Traffic Monitor unites the products previously known as InfoWatch Mail Monitor and InfoWatch Web Monitor. The integration of the InfoWatch *storage solution means the new product is also capable of generating a high-performance corporate archive for e-mail and web traffic. This enables retrospective analysis, the investigation of insider activity and complies with the provisions of a number of national and international standards (SOX, GLBA, HIPAA, Basel II, etc.).

InfoWatch Net Monitor, which has inherited a name from the previous product line, brings together modules that provide control and audit functions over an organization’s internal communications. In particular, this covers operations at workstation level, the printing of documents, work with removable drives and connectable devices. The product comprises modules such as Office Monitor, Acrobat Monitor, File Monitor, Print Monitor and Device Monitor.

InfoWatch Enterprise Solution has retained its status as an integrated product that combines control and audit functions over all the communications at an organization – internal and external. It incorporates InfoWatch Traffic Monitor and InfoWatch Net Monitor.

Despite the creation of an integrated product, the architecture of the solution also allows the client to acquire individual modules that suit their needs. All the products, regardless of the type of package, come with built-in centralized management with the division of operator roles to prevent misuse of administrative privileges by authorized personnel.

“The high level of concern among data security specialists about internal IT threats is contributing to the rapidly growing demand for protection systems. Every year the market grows about 2.5 times. Customers, meanwhile, are overwhelmed by a confusing barrage of offers from developers. We are sure that our new product line will help businesses opt for the most clear-cut and effective solution,” says Denis Zenkin, Marketing Director at InfoWatch.

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