InfoWatch unveils cloud-controlled endpoint protection for SMBs

InfoWatch, the leading Russian DLP vendor, announces the launch of a new version of InfoWatch EndPoint Security, a solution developed to solve all the tasks of managing and protecting workstations on corporate networks.

The core functional of InfoWatch EndPoint Security can be described by the acronym, C.A.F.E.: Control, Audit, Filtering, Encryption. The solution ensures the security of workstations on corporate networks, controls the launch of applications and use of external devices by employees, performs audits of user activity and data filtering based on various criteria, and enables transparent encryption of data recorded to portable devices.

A key innovation of InfoWatch EndPoint Security 5.4 is the extension of all the product's classic features to cloud storage. Small to medium companies actively use the cloud to store and share data, but only a small percentage of these companies ensure their cloud data are protected. For instance, a recent Ponemon Institute survey showed that over 80% of IT employees are not even aware of the amount of data stored in the cloud, let alone the nature of those data. The new version of InfoWatch EndPoint Security monitors all files uploaded to Dropbox, SkyDrive, GoogleDrive, Yandex.Disk, or BoxSync by employees and authorizes external storage of files based on the type and format of the data.

Customers can choose a separate data encryption method for each cloud service provider. Encryption keys are stored on the customer's edge, and not in the cloud, which ensures that they are never exposed to outsiders. Encryption is performed transparently at the file level, so that employees are not involved in the process, which eliminates the possibility of them ignoring or bypassing encryption or distributing unprotected confidential documents outside the company.

In addition, the new InfoWatch EndPoint Security version features a wider range of managed files including .mpg, .mov, and .db. This prevents employees from accessing video files during work time, and prevents data leaks by only granting database access to a limited group of users.

The new version of InfoWatch EndPoint Security has implemented a number of features aimed at saving IT-department resources. The solution's flexible security policies can be configured to monitor the processing of documents based on specific formats. For instance, a company might need to narrow the scope of monitored databases to .xlsx files. In this case the administrator only needs to add xlsx‑ to the format black list. InfoWatch EndPoint Security will automatically make copies of all xlsx‑ documents that are recorded to external devices, sent over the Internet or to the cloud. This feature enables robust protection of databases and any valuable business data, as well as simple, yet efficient control of document distribution outside the company.

The general product management system has also been modified. Objects disabled in Active Directory are automatically disabled in InfoWatch EndPoint Security. Thus, if an employee is fired, all access permissions and settings assigned to him are simultaneously deleted from the AD and in InfoWatch EndPoint Security. The new version also features automatic exporting of reports on a set schedule, which streamlines incident analysis and eventually improves the overall efficiency of the IT department.

The new InfoWatch EndPoint Security version is compatible with all Windows versions, including Windows 8.1.

«InfoWatch specialists' many years of experience has enabled the functionality of InfoWatch EndPoint Security to suit the latest trends and business needs. The core benefit of the new version is the extension of all key solution features, including control, audit, filtering and encryption to the cloud, explained Natalya Kaspersky, CEO at InfoWatch Group of companies. – InfoWatch is compatible with any software used in the company, which provides easy implementation. Our product is easily scalable and simple to master, deploy and manage. InfoWatch EndPoint Security has been awarded the "PC Magazine/RE. Best Soft " for the second year running, which displays the high rating of our solution both by market experts and by end users.».

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