InfoWatch World Class Technical Support

InfoWatch, leading developer of enterprise information protection solutions, announced the completion of internal audit of technical support service quality. The audit showed that Company's business processes were recognized as conforming to the world quality standards according to COPC Inc Standards.

COPC is a set of best practices and international quality standards for departments servicing a large flow of incoming requests - call centers, customer support services, etc. COPC standards are used by thousands of companies in more than 50 countries. Implementation of these standards for InfoWatch is an opportunity to provide its customers with a quality support service of their solutions.

The project of making technical support service conforming to the COPC standards was launched in June, 2011. Since then we have automated reporting system for customer requests, established a system of personnel employment monitoring and response time control system and analyzed customer interaction processes quality. Some resulting indicators of InfoWatch support service excel COPC standards. Thus, customer satisfaction ("good" and "excellent" estimations) according to the recent investigation is 85 and 65 percent respectively. Average incident response time doesn't exceed two hours.

"Enterprise level DLP systems, which include InfoWatch solutions, require a full-way technical support. A customer acquires not only a technical solution, but also a post-sale technical support. Also, the whole world has acknowledged a long time ago that technical support was the face of a vendor company. Technical support service is often as important as the product itself, so the constant improvement of support service quality is absolutely necessary," — notes Pavel Belinsky, the head of the technical support department.

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