Global Data Leakage Report, H1 2015

InfoWatch Analytical Center presents this report on confidential data leaks in H1 2015. Key Facts In H1 2015, InfoWatch Analytical Center registered 723 data leaks revealed (in the media and other sources) worldwide, which is 10% more than in H1 2014. External attacks were behind 32% of data leaks, thus demonstrating an increase by 9 percentage points (p.p.) if compared with H1 2014. 90% of data leaks are related to personal data. Over the period under consideration, more than 262 million records were compromised, including payment information. 8 mega leaks occurred in H1 2015, each resulted in the loss of over 10 million personal data records. Mega leaks account for 83% of all compromised records. Company employees were responsible for 58% of the leaks, while company executives, for 1%. Transportation companies — along with online services, retailers, and healthcare institutions — are the biggest sources of personal data leaks. Number of registered data leaks, H1 2006 – H1 2015 Leaks by attack vector Leaks by source

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